Getting What Is Rightfully Yours

Getting What Is Rightfully Yours

In An Accident Far From Home? 5 Ways It's More Complicated Than

by Penny Fisher

Unfortunately, accidents and injuries aren't limited to just convenient times and locations. And one of the most inconvenient times to have an accident is when you're on vacation. How does this make things more complex? And how can you manage these complications? Here's what you need to know.

1. You May Not Own the Car

If you rented or borrowed a vehicle for your trip, the actual owner is also involved in the accident claim. This makes things more complicated as you may have to deal with their insurance, your own insurance, or a combination of the two. 

2. You May Have to Keep Going

The decision of whether or not to continue with your trip is a personal one. If you have serious injuries, it may not be possible to continue on with plans. However, those who feel obliged to continue — such as for a business trip — may have to work around their injuries. 

If this is the case for you, work with a qualified personal injury attorney to determine the best way to avoid making injuries worse, keep records of your injuries, and track expenses related to changes. 

3. You May Not Know the Area

Getting help for any unexpected problems when not near home is daunting. You may need to navigate medical providers you don't know, treatment outside your insurance area, or car repair businesses you don't normally use. 

If possible, it's helpful to get local assistance from friends, family, business associates, and insurance agents.

4. You May Not Be Able to Go Back

Distance makes things harder. If you won't be able to return to the scene of the accident, return to deal with car repairs, or visit law enforcement or eyewitnesses in person, everything needs to be thoroughly handled the first time.  

5. You May Be Having Fun

Accident victims generally should consider carefully any social media usage before their case is closed. But when you're injured on vacation, this is even more vital. If you decide to continue your vacation and post on social media having fun, the insurance carrier may accuse you of not being truly injured. 

Avoid posting on social media until you can speak with a qualified attorney. They will work with you to ensure that any photos you took won't damage your future case.

Where to Start

If you're injured while away from home, you'll need to manage both the standard and the additional challenges of a personal injury. Start by meeting with a personal injury lawyer today.  


About Me

Getting What Is Rightfully Yours

How much do you think someone should pay if they pummel your car and accidentally kill your entire family? What if they were drunk? What if you had to miss three months of work? Although you might understand that a wreck like that could level you financially, your insurance company might see things another way. Instead of paying you what is rightfully yours, they might try to pay for your car to be repaired and take care of half salary for a few weeks. However, working with a lawyer can ensure that you get what you deserve in court. This blog is all about how personal injury lawyers can help. Check it out.
