Getting What Is Rightfully Yours

Getting What Is Rightfully Yours

3 Mistakes To Avoid After A Worksite Accident

by Penny Fisher

Worksite injuries are a common occurrence. And depending on the extent of a workplace accident, you may suffer minor to severe injuries that require hospitalization. Although nothing can be done to take things back to how they were before the unfortunate incident, employees are eligible to file claims and acquire compensation for the damages they incur.

Avoid the following three mistakes after a workplace injury to protect your claim.

1. Failure to Seek Immediate Medical Attention

Your health should always come first after an accident. Besides, the insurer uses your medical records to establish your ideal compensation amount based on the medical findings and bills. If you don't seek immediate treatment, the insurer may assume that you didn't suffer any severe injuries, so you don't deserve compensation.

Don't assume that you are okay simply because you have no visible injuries. Some issues like whiplash may take days before they manifest. So, let a medical professional examine you to rule out the possibility of internal injuries. The doctor should offer a detailed report based on your medical history and present condition. The report should indicate if the injuries will hinder you from going back to the office and how long you may take to get back on your feet.

2. Failure to Report the Incident Sooner

Most state laws offer a certain period to file workers' compensation claims. However, the sooner you report the incident, the higher the chances that you will get high-value compensation.

First, you have to report the case to your employer. Give a detailed account of the events that led to the accident. Some important details to note as you document the incident are:

  • Where the accident occurred

  • Why you were at the scene during the time of the accident

  • Where you went immediately after the accident

Note that the longer you wait to report the accident, the more details you will forget. Also, it's hard for the insurer to believe you, especially on injury-related matters. As such, act fast and don't report the case to the employer verbally. Instead, use text, email, or a phone call recording so you can use the communication as evidence.

3. Failure to Hire a Worksite Accident Attorney

A worksite accident attorney may sound like an expensive venture, tempting you to handle the compensation claim yourself. But this might prove the fastest way to scuttle your case. You need a professional by your side to guide you through the complex workers' compensation laws. Otherwise, you are bound to make mistakes that will result in compensation denial.

An attorney helps you gather substantial proof to support your claim. Even better, they will represent you in hearings and negotiate with the insurer on your behalf to get you the best value compensation.

Don't make the above mistakes the next time you or your work colleague get a worksite injury.

For more information, contact a worksite accident attorney in your area. 


About Me

Getting What Is Rightfully Yours

How much do you think someone should pay if they pummel your car and accidentally kill your entire family? What if they were drunk? What if you had to miss three months of work? Although you might understand that a wreck like that could level you financially, your insurance company might see things another way. Instead of paying you what is rightfully yours, they might try to pay for your car to be repaired and take care of half salary for a few weeks. However, working with a lawyer can ensure that you get what you deserve in court. This blog is all about how personal injury lawyers can help. Check it out.
