Getting What Is Rightfully Yours

Getting What Is Rightfully Yours

Become Educated On What To Do When Attacked By A Dog

by Penny Fisher

If you have been seriously injured by being bitten or attacked by a dog, then get a lawyer and don't put it off. It needs to be the first thing done after medical treatment has been done.  There are a lot of reasons why retaining a lawyer for your dog bite case will prove to be an important decision. Continue reading to understand the importance of a lawyer when you find yourself in this situation.

Don't make those common early mistakes

Before you talk to the dog's owner, talk to a lawyer first. They may tell you to do some things that you didn't know to do, and they may tell you not to do things that you were planning to do. This can save you from doing some things that can cause you holding the bag for all of the expenses you incurred and the losses you suffered due to the dog attack.

Have someone knowledgeable to deal with things

If you are like most, your legal expertise is probably quite limited. Therefore, you may find yourself having a hard time getting the owner of the dog to pay you for your bills. If you decide you want or need to sue them, you may not even really know who to sue.

A dog bite lawyer will know how to proceed. For example, was the person who was with the dog the legal owner? Or, is there someone else who would legally be considered the rightful owner that you don't even know about? Should the person who had the dog when you were bitten/attacked be liable, or the true owner?

Was there someone else who should also be held liable for a negligent action that also led to you being bitten? Did the incident happen on someone's property and if so does the homeowner's insurance policy come into play and if so, how? These are all things that need answering and a lawyer is the one to get to the bottom of it all and who will know what to do with all of the facts.

Have someone to negotiate on your behalf

In most cases, you want to avoid going to court. Court can be expensive and if you go to court and you happen to lose, which can realistically happen when you have no lawyer, then you would be responsible for your fees and theirs. A lawyer will often be able to negotiate a reasonable settlement that will work for you and keep you out of court. Should you have to go to court, the lawyer will give you the best odds of winning.


About Me

Getting What Is Rightfully Yours

How much do you think someone should pay if they pummel your car and accidentally kill your entire family? What if they were drunk? What if you had to miss three months of work? Although you might understand that a wreck like that could level you financially, your insurance company might see things another way. Instead of paying you what is rightfully yours, they might try to pay for your car to be repaired and take care of half salary for a few weeks. However, working with a lawyer can ensure that you get what you deserve in court. This blog is all about how personal injury lawyers can help. Check it out.
