Getting What Is Rightfully Yours

Getting What Is Rightfully Yours

2 Reasons To Hire An Attorney For A Slip And Fall Case

by Penny Fisher

One of the most common issues that a personal injury attorney is approached for is a slip and fall case. This type of case occurs when someone slips on someone else's property and injures himself or herself through no fault of his or her own. Listed below are two reasons to hire a personal injury attorney to help you with this kind of case.

Proof Of Negligence 

A major reason to hire a personal injury attorney when dealing with a slip and fall case is to avoid having the blame for the accident fall on you. The most common defense that a property owner or insurance company will utilize is claiming that the accident could have been avoided if you had been paying attention to your surroundings. An attorney will often attempt to counter this defense by attempting to compile proof that the property owner has a history of neglect, thus strengthening your claim that his or her negligence caused the fall and subsequent injury.

One way that this will be accomplished will be by your attorney or one of his or her staff members interviewing individuals that frequently shop or live near the business where the accident occurred. The purpose of these interviews will be to see if the property owner typically takes a long time to deal with safety issues, such as cleaning up spills, replacing burnt out lights, clearing snow from the entryway, or repairing damaged stairs.

Signs Of Recent Repairs

One of the most common things that an attorney will do when you hire him or her for a slip and fall case is visit the location where the fall took place. The reason for this is that your attorney will be checking to see if any repairs were made to the area after the fall took place.

This is very important as many property owners will rush to make repairs once someone has fallen on their property to try and claim in court that the injury could not have occurred due to negligence. These repairs can include everything from adding new lights to improve the visibility where the fall occurred or repairing damaged steps.  

Contact a personal injury attorney (like those at Clearfield & Kofsky) as soon as possible after slipping and injuring yourself due to a property owner's negligence in order to discuss the strengths of your case and how you should proceed. A personal injury attorney can help you improve the chances of winning your lawsuit by looking for signs of recent repairs and proving that the property owner has a history of negligence.


About Me

Getting What Is Rightfully Yours

How much do you think someone should pay if they pummel your car and accidentally kill your entire family? What if they were drunk? What if you had to miss three months of work? Although you might understand that a wreck like that could level you financially, your insurance company might see things another way. Instead of paying you what is rightfully yours, they might try to pay for your car to be repaired and take care of half salary for a few weeks. However, working with a lawyer can ensure that you get what you deserve in court. This blog is all about how personal injury lawyers can help. Check it out.
